Co-marketing guidelines

How to use our logos and brands in your marketing collateral

Co-marketing with Cambridge Intelligence

In the Cambridge Intelligence marketing team, we encourage our customers and approved partners to prominently and proudly promote their relationship with us. It’s a great way to share credibility and demonstrate the trust between our brands.

This page explains how you can promote your relationship with us in a way that’s accurate without being confusing or misleading.

It’s not a complete guide to every scenario (we don’t like overly prescriptive processes either). The important thing is to be clear, honest, and authentic. If you’re unsure, contact us to discuss the details. We’d be happy to hear from you: [email protected].

Using our logos

As a partner or customer of Cambridge Intelligence, you’re welcome to use our company and product logos in your own marketing collateral, including:

  • Websites and partner portals
  • Reports, case studies, and documentation, printed or digital
  • Corporate or marketing slide decks
  • Event materials, including banner stands and handouts
  • In videos, webinars, or similar audio-visual content

This permission is given subject to three simple guidelines:

1. Be clear about our relationship

We don’t use ‘partner of’ logos, so you should make our relationship clear by written context. This could be:

  • headings like ‘our partners’ or ‘our technology stack’
  • descriptive text like ‘our products harness the power of the KeyLines graph visualization toolkit’

You shouldn’t imply our brands are part of your portfolio, or that you’re an exclusive partner.

2. Link back to us

Wherever possible, please add a backlink to our website – either our main homepage or our product homepages.

3. Show the logos in their best light

Do not crop, stretch, recolor, or otherwise adapt our logos. We have versions that should work for both pale and dark backgrounds, so you shouldn’t need to make any adjustments. If our versions don’t work for you, talk to us so we can help to find a solution.

Also, please observe an exclusion zone around our logos and minimum size requirements. These are important to make sure the logos are legible:

logo brand guidelines

Download our logos

Company logo
Black text
White text

KeyLines logo
Black text
White text

ReGraph logo
Black text
White text

KronoGraph logo
Black text
White text

If you’d like a copy of our logo in another format (SVG, EPS or JPEG) get in touch.

Talking about us and our products

You’re also welcome to talk about us and our products in your own collateral. Please take the time to check the correct spelling and terms to make sure you’re consistent with our brand guidelines:


  • Cambridge Intelligence
  • KeyLines
  • ReGraph
  • KronoGraph


  • Cam intel / Cambridge intel / cambridge intelligence
  • keylines / keyLines / Keylines / keyline
  • regraph / reGraph / Regraph
  • kronograph / kronoGraph / Kronograph

How to talk about us on social media

We’re always keen for our partners and customers to talk about us on social media. If you tag us, we can share your content and help amplify your messages:

Using, quoting or sharing our materials

We work hard to produce original and compelling marketing materials, including blog posts, white papers, and video content. This content, and all other content we produce, remains the property of Cambridge Intelligence at all times. Please don’t share it, or portions of it, without our permission.

If you want to use any of our collateral for your own purposes, contact us. We’d be happy to work with you to produce co-branded material, or to find a flexible solution that works for everyone.

Our trademarks

Cambridge Intelligence company and product logos and trademarks remain the property of Cambridge Intelligence at all times. If you don’t follow the guidelines on this page, we might ask you to stop using our assets.

Registered in England and Wales with Company Number 07625370 | VAT Number 113 1740 61
6-8 Hills Road, Cambridge, CB2 1JP. All material © Cambridge Intelligence .
Read our Privacy Policy.