Network visualization

JavaScript data visualization tools for powerful user experiences

Real-world data is complicated. Visualizing it shouldn’t be.

Our developer toolkits make it easy to build powerful, customized user experiences for complex data.

the new annotations layer, now available in all our toolkits

New: tell your data’s story with our annotations layer

Our latest major releases mark a big leap forward in the evolution of data visualization.

Showcase the narratives in your data to anyone, in any format.

Discover our new annotations layer

We’ve helped teams just like yours

Build your big ideas on the foundation of our data visualization expertise.

We’ve partnered with leading organizations in cybersecurity, intelligence and fraud detection for years. We understand your data visualization challenges, and how to overcome them.

Meet our customers

Why visualize data?

The world is complex. With powerful data visualization, you can make sense of it by uncovering insight that reveals threats, risks and opportunities.

  • It’s intuitive

    Exploring data visually instantly makes sense, even to people who’ve never worked with complex timeline or connected data before.

  • It’s fast

    Our brains are great at spotting patterns, but only when they’re presented in a tangible format. Our data visualizations help you identify trends and outliers quickly.

  • It’s scalable

    Data visualization simplifies complexity, reveals context and uncovers detail. With one chart, you can see a high-level overview or dive into specific events, activities or connections.

  • It’s insightful

    Through interactive data analysis, you gain deeper knowledge and understand context. That’s hard to achieve with a static, aggregated visualization.

Need to visualize your connected data?

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