Evaluation FAQs

Some common questions about evaluating our products

This page is for people who are evaluating our products. If you’re looking to buy or renew a full license, see Purchasing & Procurement

1. What are your products?

KeyLines and ReGraph are commercially-licensed Software Development Kit (SDK) for network visualization. KeyLines is for JavaScript developers, while ReGraph is specifically designed for React developers. KronoGraph is a JavaScript SDK for timeline visualization.

Using our SDKs, it’s quick and easy to build applications for visualizing connections in data, that can be deployed anywhere, to anyone.

Learn more about KeyLines, ReGraph, and KronoGraph.

2. Who makes them?

KeyLines, ReGraph and KronoGraph are all made by us, Cambridge Intelligence. We’re a software company based in Cambridge, UK, and Boston, US.

We’ve been building and selling data visualization technology since 2011 and work with hundreds of customers worldwide, including start-ups, Fortune 500 companies and national governments.

Learn more about Cambridge Intelligence

3. How do I evaluate a product?

We offer 21-day trial licenses for our SDKs, giving you plenty of time to try them and make sure they suit your needs.

We recommend arranging a quick demo with your account manager when you first start your evaluation. They can help you get started more quickly and explain the resources we have to help you build the best visualization application possible.

Request a trial account

4. How are your products licensed?

Our SDKs are available under a commercial subscription license, which includes:

  • The rights to embed our technology into your own product or tool
  • The rights to deploy that product to your end-users
  • The support and guidance of our excellent support team
  • Access to frequent product updates

To get a quote for your specific requirements, contact us.

5. Why not open source?

We love the Open Source community and contribute where we can, but our products are not open source projects. They are proprietary technologies, written from scratch by our team.

The advantage of this is that we offer great technical support and frequent product updates for all our customers, under full commercial terms. We can offer guaranteed levels of support, liabilities and change management processes. And because we’ve invested in these projects commercially, we aren’t going to abandon them.

We’ve gone into more details in this blog post.

6. Why buy, not build?

Many people ask us why they should pay for technology like KeyLines, ReGraph or KronoGraph, rather than building their own.

Creating this kind of software is fun, but it’s more difficult than it looks. It will eat up your valuable development and testing resources quickly.

We know from working with thousands of developers that, in the long run, it is quicker, easier and more cost-effective to buy-in the capability.

Do you have more questions?

Contact us – we’re happy to help.

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