Get more from your graphs with glyphs

Glyphs have been a core part of our products since the early days. They offer a quick and easy way to communicate different characteristics and add decorations to items in your network. You probably know them as counters or images placed on a node’s border.

Using glyphs in the north-east ‘compass point’ as counters
Using glyphs in the north-east ‘compass point’ as counters

What you may not know is that you now have much more fine-grained control over where you place your glyphs, opening up a wide range of interesting styling possibilities.

This blog shows five of our favorite uses for glyphs to help breathe new life into your charts.

1. Glyphs as labels

Because glyphs come with a curved border, they make an interesting alternative to node titles. In this example, we’ve applied a slight transparency to the blue glyphs and placed them directly below the node, with the position (p property) set as 180 degrees from the node’s center.

When is a label not a label? When it's a glyph.
When is a label not a label? When it’s a glyph.

2. Interactive glyphs

Like any other visual item, glyphs can be targeted by event handlers so you know exactly what’s been clicked on. You can use this to add interactive controls to your nodes. One popular example is an expand indicator that tells users that there are further connections to explore, inviting them to click and bring in new items from the back end.

There are plenty of other creative possibilities. Here we use a glyph as a ‘switch control’ so users can turn on or off particular parts of a network.

Binding glyphs to events opens up a new set of interactive options

And in this example, we use interactive glyphs as ‘pins’ to fix or remove certain key players from a network under investigation. Notice we’ve used a hover style so it’s clear to users that the glyph is interactive – the pin changes color when you hover over it.

Using glyphs as pins to drive focus to key nodes

3. Glyphs as masks

A popular question on our support channel is “how can I add a strikethrough or mask effect to my nodes to represent a status change?”.

Easy. Set the position (p property) of a glyph to 0, so that it appears in the center of a node, and increase its enlargement to match the node size.

Using glyphs to change the status of nodes in an IT network

4. Glyphs for multiple text decoration

A popular option for nodes representing people is to use a badge effect where initials appear on the node, with their full name below.

Glyphs make this easy. You could either use a glyph and a label, or two glyphs – one for the full name and one for the initials. In this example we’ve also used the halo feature to add a subtle shadow effect around nodes.

Using glyphs to add full names to nodes with initials as labels
Using glyphs to add full names to nodes with initials as labels

5. Glyphs on donuts

As a final fun example, here we’ve used donuts and glyphs together to create interactive context menus around nodes. Customized glyph icons show what each segment of a donut represents. We simply center them in each segment to create a useful visual key.

Glyph icons represent donut segment details

Want to learn more?

We hope these examples have inspired you to get more adventurous with styling.

Glyphs are just one of the many options of customization available to tailor the look and feel of your charts using Cambridge Intelligence’s graph visualization technology. If you haven’t used it yet, request a free trial.

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