Blog > KeyLines

Product update: image labels for unique graph visualizations

Product update: image labels for unique graph visualizations

Product Manager
17th July, 2024 | 2 min read

New versions of KeyLines and ReGraph bring more freedom to create custom nodes, greater image & font icon...

Product update: Smoother and more insightful sequential views

Product update: Smoother and more insightful sequential views

Product Manager
5th March, 2024 | 2 min read

The latest versions of KeyLines and ReGraph, our graph visualization SDKs, include two hotly-anticipated...

Automatic graph layouts

Automatic graph layouts

Marketing Director
24th February, 2024 | 8 min read

The basic aim of graph visualization is to help users understand their connected data and find actionable insight....

Credit card fraud detection using machine learning

Credit card fraud detection using machine learning

Content Strategist & Team Lead
20th February, 2024 | 8 min read

There’s a lot more to credit card fraud visualization than just spotting disputed transactions. To be effective,...

3 new & easy ways to simplify complex data visualizations

3 new & easy ways to simplify complex data visualizations

Product Manager
19th December, 2023 | 7 min read

Data overload is a real problem for busy analysts. How do they spot the red flags in a cyber security network? Or...

Product update: 3 ways to style & declutter graph visualizations

Product update: 3 ways to style & declutter graph visualizations

Product Manager
12th December, 2023 | 3 min read

With every version of our KeyLines and ReGraph graph visualization toolkits, we aim to share new features that...

Azure Cosmos DB tutorial for KronoGraph & KeyLines

Azure Cosmos DB tutorial for KronoGraph & KeyLines

Chief Product Evangelist
21st November, 2023 | 19 min read

This Azure Cosmos DB tutorial shows you how to integrate Microsoft’s multi-model database service with our graph...

Understanding earthquakes: what map visualizations teach us

Understanding earthquakes: what map visualizations teach us

Software Developer
9th November, 2023 | 8 min read

Analysts rely on our data visualization toolkits to spot hidden patterns in their visualized data. They...

Surprising visual insights from US election campaign data

Surprising visual insights from US election campaign data

Chief Product Evangelist
31st October, 2023 | 6 min read

I use graph visualization to reveal insights in US election campaign data: which orgs donate to both Republican...

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