Product update: tell your data story with custom color heatmaps

Users rely on the heatmap view in KronoGraph, our timeline analytics SDK, to spot patterns in big data fast. In the latest version, you now have more ways to customize heatmap cells and reveal your data’s insightful story at a glance.

You’ll also spot some improvements to the look and feel of the KronoGraph SDK site, including a brand new demo to help new starters get up to speed quickly.

More powerful analysis from your heatmap

You can now provide alternative views of your data with color-customized heatmaps. Using options to color-code a cell depending on the data it contains, you can highlight cells containing alerts, or use separate color schemes for heatmaps and events. In this way, users can see the story of their data through the heatmap itself before they’ve zoomed in on the details.

To see this in action, head to the SDK’s new Heatmap Colors story, or the updated Detection and Response showcase.

KronoGraph’s Detection and Response showcase demonstrates heatmap cells colored according to the alerts inside them
KronoGraph’s Detection and Response showcase demonstrates heatmap cells colored according to the alerts inside them
FREE: KronoGraph white paper

Our essential guide to building powerful and intuitive timeline visualization applications.


Introduce new users to KronoGraph

The new Introducing KronoGraph demo takes developers on a tour of the fundamentals of our timeline visualization toolkit. With interactive examples to guide you through the essential parts of KronoGraph, it’s a quick and easy way to get newcomers in your team up to speed.

An extract from the KronoGraph homepage showing the latest showcase demo: Introducing KronoGraph
KronoGraph’s new demo gives a step-by-step introduction to our timeline visualization toolkit

You’ll also find new handy descriptions alongside every showcase, including tips on what to explore in each interactive demos.

KronoGraph's supply chain showcase demonstrating a network and timeline visualization with a handy description
Look for the useful descriptions to the left of each showcase demo

Try KronoGraph today

Timeline visualization is a powerful standalone analytics tool for time-based data, but it’s also the perfect complement to graph visualization. Keen to find out more? Simply request a free trial today.

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