The advanced node styling users want in their graph visualizations

Our graph visualization toolkits deliver advanced node styling capabilities and almost limitless customization options, making it possible to realize any product design vision without compromising on the perfect look and feel.

Visualization using new rectangular nodes
With infinite customizability, the sky’s the limit when creating nodes for your visualization design

Get a contemporary aesthetic with rectangular nodes

To complement sleek and modern designs with KeyLines and ReGraph, use rectangular nodes. These can be styled to have one or more rounded corners, and have the same adaptive abilities and behavior as the default circle nodes our customers are used to.

As well as bringing a modern look to your application, they offer much more space to display information, and they stack beautifully in combination with our rectangular combos or with our sequential layout:

Rectangular nodes stacked neatly in a combo
Rectangular nodes stack neatly in combos…
Rectangular nodes in a sequential layout
…they look good in a sequential layout, too

Ready to take your node design to the next level?

With multiple labels and an extensive label styling API, nodes can be better-looking and more information-rich than ever before. They can even become user interface elements, with custom interactions and dynamic status indicators.

Smart labeling reveals ‘detail on demand’, helping users get the right information at the right stage of their investigation:

Smart labeling keeps the level of information relevant to your investigation

Buttons with custom interaction styling allow the user to edit or remove a node – or visit an external site for further information:

Interactive buttons allow the user to bring the graph into their workflow

And in this example, rectangular nodes neatly stacked in a rectangular combo feature dynamic status bars. These allow the user to track data as it evolves, using color coding to add extra meaning:

Dynamic status bars track CPU usage levels
Dynamic status bars track CPU usage levels

What designs can we help you build?

It’s easy to get up and running with KeyLines and ReGraph: we can give design teams the expert tech support they need to explore what’s possible for their project. If you can dream it up, we can help you build it. And if you’re stuck at the blank-page stage, not to worry – we’ve developed a Figma Design Kit to help you get started.

All of our data visualization toolkits include demos, a live-coding playground and detailed developer documentation. Find out what’s possible with the world’s best graph visualization libraries.

A screen showing a hybrid graph and timeline visualization created using ReGraph and KronoGraph
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