Data visualization for social network analysis

Graph and timeline visualization to analyze social networks

The social network visualization challenge

Simply put, a social network is a structure of social actors joined together by connections.

If you understand this structure, you have a much deeper knowledge than if you assessed the social actors in isolation.

Powerful data visualization techniques cut through noisy social network data and reveal parts of the network that need attention.

Download the white paper

The social network visualization challenge

Using our graph visualization and timeline visualization technologies, it’s quick and simple to design interactive visualizations that untangle complex social networks.

Social network visualization

To truly understand a social network, you need to visualize it.

Visualizing social networks interactively offers faster and more accurate insight. Using techniques like filters, styling, and node grouping and expansion, we can explore network dynamics and connections on a micro, meso and macro scale.

It’s easy to understand and explore a social network in graph format, using people as nodes, relationships as edges and additional information as properties.

visualizing a social network

Timeline visualization reveals relationships between events over time, showing cause and effect and highlighting time patterns that wouldn’t otherwise be visible.

Social network visualization: pattern of life timelines

Learn more in our white paper

Read more about the topic of social networks and social network visualization.

Download the white paper

Social network analysis

Social network analysis is a way to calculate the relative importance of nodes in a network, which helps explain how the network interacts. Using sophisticated social network analysis measures and advanced data visualization features, it’s fast and easy to understand how people, objects, and events interact.

Social network analysis measures such as degree, betweenness, closeness, PageRank and EigenCentrality are vital tools for understanding networks and identifying important nodes and relationships.

social network analysis measures

Combined with timeline view, analysts quickly see patterns of relationships as they develop.

Social network visualization

Custom-built social network visualizations

We work with businesses, governments and software vendors worldwide to create the next generation of data visualization and exploration platforms.

Using our graph visualization and timeline visualization technologies, they’ve been able to build interactive applications that join the dots in complex critical social network data, revealing insight they need to understand.


Overcome data silos

Bring together data from across the organization in a single chart. Our flexible approach means you see the full picture and gain insight from all your data sources.


Get answers faster

Discover new dimensions to your data that aggregated methods can’t show. Timeline and graph visualization techniques lead to richer customer insight, and better, faster decisions.

network visualization tools

Innovative network views

We work year-round to design new functionality in our toolkits. With our help, your team will have the best visualization tools to keep them one step ahead.

stay ahead

Custom tools that work for you

Visualization tools, custom designed for your business, users and systems, empower anyone in your organization to understand rich customer insight.

Want to try it for yourself?


The graph visualization SDK for JavaScript developers

A screen showing a KeyLines graph visualization featuring a network of email communications between employees

KeyLines is your fast-track to graph visualization success on any tech stack.

Start a KeyLines trial


Hassle-free graph visualization for React developers

A screen showing a ReGraph graph visualization featuring a network of email communications between employees

ReGraph for React makes building state-based graph visualizations a breeze.

Start a ReGraph trial


Advanced timeline visualizations that scale quickly & easily

A screen showing a timeline visualization featuring in investigation into suspected fraud by individuals against US stores

Build interactive timeline views, customized for your applications.

Start a KronoGraph trial

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