The latest version of KronoGraph, our timeline analytics toolkit, features something unique. For the first time,...
At Cambridge Intelligence, one of our values is to be “always curious”. We encourage the team to grow their...
Web developers face a long list of time-consuming challenges. From designing an outstanding UX to building a site...
We look at six key areas of rapid change, and how successful organizations use link analysis techniques to keep...
We create a crime data visualization to analyze the people, places and events involved in a real UK Counter...
Thank you for your interest. This role has been filled. Our Career...
New versions of KeyLines and ReGraph bring more freedom to create custom nodes, greater image & font icon...
We’ve just released KronoGraph 3.0 – a new major version of our timeline analytics toolkit – with a...
Thank you for your interest. This role has been filled. Our Career...
Back in 2021, we made some big climate commitments. Key among them was to be ‘net zero’ by 2030. We think...